The Cold Heart

Each day my heart grows fonder, lazier
Lazier to embrace the feeling such as love
Love? For it beats only to pump blood otherwise, cold
Cold because it had once been warm
Warm from the feeling of a sensation so deep it’s indescribable…

But now all that is left of it is a memory,
Like a big fire that dies gradually in flames,
A big fire that’s steadily replaced by ash,
A feeling so intense the heart put its selfishness aside,
Ignores its body and put another before its…
A feeling so strong that ended up in ashes.

All it does is to lazy around like garfield,
Thumping and pumping as a regular exercise to keep fit
Keep fit from dying off… But still as cold as a morgue
This heat of memory lessens as the hour ticks by
All I have is a memory, not strong enough to warm the heart
It therefore stays cold, thumping and pumping.

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